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Common Eye Conditions We Treat

Vision care is an important part of your overall health care. The ophthalmologist and optometrist at Blue Water Eye Care Associates, P.C. in Port Huron, Michigan, provide excellent care to maintain the overall quality condition of your eyes. Through routine exams, as well as the treatment of glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic eye conditions, and more, we take the necessary steps to preserve your precious eyesight.


In a normal eye, the clear cornea allows light to enter. The iris controls the amount of light entering the eye by changing the size of the pupil. The light passes through a clear lens and is focused by the lens onto the back of the eye, or the retina, creating a sharp, clear image. Through the natural aging process, the clear lens gradually clouds and hardens. As the clouding increases, vision becomes fogged or blurry because the light is not clearly focused on the retina. A cataract may take a number of years to develop and usually form in both eyes, however not always at the same time. Although they are a natural part of the aging process and affect millions of Americans every year, they need to be properly diagnosed and treated.

A thorough eye examination by your ophthalmologist can detect the presence and extent of a cataract, as well as any other conditions that may be causing blurred vision or discomfort. There are no medications, dietary supplements, exercises, or optical devices that have been shown to prevent or cure cataracts. Surgery is the only way to correct your vision and remove the cataract. Our practice qualified eye surgeons who are available for cataract removal and replacement.

Cataracts usually form slowly. There is no pain associated with the condition of a cataract(s), but there are several symptoms that indicate failing vision due to cataracts. These include:

• Inability to Visualize Road Signs • Blurred/Hazy Vision, Cloudy, Filmy, or Foggy
• Difficulty Reading & Driving at Night • Lights Seem Glaring & Halos Appear around Lights
• Vision Changes (Nearsightedness & Temporary Improvement in Close-up Vision) • Colors Seem Duller or Different Than Usual (Especially Yellow)
• Difficulty Viewing Television Cable Guides and Scrolling News Reels

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is the number one cause of blindness in the United States. Macular degeneration occurs when the macula, a part of the retina in the back of the eye that ensures that our vision is clear and sharp, degrades or "degenerates", causing a progressive loss of vision. Macular degeneration symptoms include: Distorted vision; a gradual loss of color vision; a dark or empty area appearing in the center of vision; a gradual loss of ability to see objects clearly.

Senior Talking to Doctor


One of the leading causes of blindness in the United States, glaucoma is an eye disease where the optic nerve (a cord that transmits visual information from the eye to the brain) degenerates. It is often associated with high internal eye pressure (intraocular pressure). When left untreated, glaucoma can lead to eventual permanent vision loss. Vision loss usually begins at the edges of your vision (peripheral vision). Continual vision loss can lead to complete blindness. Glaucoma cannot be prevented, and vision lost to glaucoma cannot be restored.

The high eye pressure associated with glaucoma is caused by blockages in the eye's fluid drains. No one knows yet why the blockages form. People at the greatest risk include those who are over the age of 40, diabetic, nearsighted, black, or who have a family history of glaucoma.

Glaucoma often develops over many years without causing pain, so you may not experience vision loss until the disease has progressed. Symptoms are occasionally present and should be taken as warning signs that glaucoma may be developing; these include blurred vision, and loss of peripheral vision.

Comprehensive Adult Eye Exams

A comprehensive eye exam involves a visual acuity test to measure vision at various distances, intraocular pressure measurement, eye motility testing, slit lamp magnified exam of the anterior and intraocular structures, and a dilated eye exam to examine the structures of the eye for any signs of disease.

Pediatric Eye Evaluation

Pediatric eye exams are extremely important for children, because vision problems are fairly common among preschoolers and school-aged children. By identifying your child's vision problems early, your child will have greater success with treatment. If left untreated, some eye conditions and diseases may stunt visual development and cause permanent visual impairment.

Diabetic Evaluation

Patients with diabetes should have an eye exam every year. Early detection of eye disease, including diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and glaucoma, can prevent vision loss and other complications.

Diabetic eye conditions develop in the retina as a result of microvascular abnormalities. The tiny blood vessels within the retina develop microaneurysms and begin to leak blood. As new blood vessels develop, they also leak blood and can cause hemorrhages and permanent damage to the retina.

Eye exams should be performed at least once a year or as soon as any potential problems are detected in order to ensure early detection of any serious conditions. Early detection is the strongest protection against diabetic eye diseases.